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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Social Services

April 10, 2023

Exploring Italian Social Cooperatives with Vera Negri Zamagni

Last week’s seminar with guest speaker Professor Vera Zamagni explored the various forms of value generated by Italian social cooperatives.

February 16, 2023

Building, Here and Now, The World We Yearn For

Cecosesola is established in Barquisimeto, capital of the state of Lara, located in the central-western region of Venezuela, as a cooperative integration organization that has been established since 1967. It is a meeting space where we make active life of more than 50 organizations, integrated into a network for the production of goods and services that brings together more than 20,000 associates from popular sectors. Through this network, we develop a wide variety of activities such as: agricultural production, small-scale agro-industrial production, funeral services, transportation, health services, financial services, mutual aid funds, distribution of foods and household items. We are made up of about 1,300 associated workers who manage daily activities through participation that is open to everyone, without hierarchical positions.

January 13, 2020

The Developmental Services Worker Co-operative

DSWC works with people with developmental disabilities “to facilitate their participation in all aspects of their home and community life”.


Grassroots Economic Organizing (2018).  Equal Care Co-op:  An Interview with Emma Back.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

September 4, 2016

Envisioning a Cooperative Retirement

Imagining a multi-generational ecovillage.