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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

About GEO

Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) is a decentralized collective of educators, researchers and grassroots activists working to promote an economy based on democratic participation, worker and community ownership, social and economic justice, and ecological sustainability--a "solidarity economy"--through grassroots journalism, organizing support, cross-sector networking and movement-building, and the publication of educational and organizational resources.

Since 1991, GEO has edited and printed a bi-monthly publication called GEO Newsletter, providing news, analysis and an open forum on grassroots organizing to build and finance worker- and community-owned, democratically run, solidarity-based, ecologically sustainable enterprises and organizations. In 2007, due to the increasing challenges of print publication and our desire to reach a wider audience, we shifted to an all web-based publication here at

GEO is a founding organizational member of the Data Commons Project, a collaborative effort to create a shared, public database of the cooperative economy in North America. We are also a member of the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives, the United States Solidarity Economy Network, and a regular co-sponsor of the Eastern Conference on Workplace Democracy.

We welcome you to this website and invite you to participate! Read, reflect, connect others with these resources, and--best of all--contribute your voice and perspective to this growing movement.

Follow this link to learn more about how you can get involved in GEO's work.



Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO, organización económica de base) es un colectivo descentralizado de educadores/as, investigadores/as, y activistas de base militando para una economía basada en la participación democrática, la propiedad de las comunidades y de las/los trabajadores/as, la justicia económica y social, y la sostenibilidad ecológica, es decir, para una economía solidaria. Nuestras actividades incluyen el periodismo de base, el apoyo a los proyectos organizativos, el desarrollo de redes intersectoriales, la creación de movimientos sociales, y la edición de materiales y recursos para la educación y la organización.

Desde 1991, GEO edita el GEO Newsletter, un boletín bimestral de informaciones y de análisis que ofrece también un espacio abierto para la discusión de proyectos de organización de base que apuntan a la creación y financiamiento de empresas y organizaciones democráticas, ecológicamente sostenibles, y basadas en el control democrático, la propiedad comunal, y la solidaridad. En 2007, frente a los desafíos que enfrenta cualquier revista impresa, y tomando en cuenta el deseo de ampliar nuestro alcance, establecimos el sito web

GEO fue una de las organizaciones fundadoras de la Cooperativa de Datos Comunes, un proyecto colaborativo dedicado a la creación de una base de datos compartida y accesible al público sobre la economía cooperativa norte-americana. También somos miembros de la U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives, y de la Red de Economía Solidaria de los EE.UU. GEO se ha comprometido a poner en práctica a los Principios de la Economía Solidaria.

Bienvenidxs a nuestro sitio web, ¡les invitamos a participar! Lean, reflejen, compartan con otras personas los recursos que encuentran aquí, y – sobre todo – contribuyan su voces y sus perspectivas al movimiento creciente que es la economía cooperativa y solidaria.

Para saber más sobre cómo vincularse al trabajo de GEO, favor de enviarnos un correo electrónico a



Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO, organisation économique de terrain) est un collectif décentralisé des éducateur-trice-s, chercheur-se-s, et militant-e-s de base qui travaillent pour une économie basée sur la participation démocratique, la propriété des communautés et des travailleur-se-s, la justice économique et sociale, et la viabilité écologique, en bref, une économie solidaire. Nos activités comprennent le journalisme de terrain, le soutien aux projets d’organisation, le développement des réseaux intersectoriels, la création des mouvements sociaux, et la publication des ressources et matériaux pour l’éducation et l’organisation.

Depuis 1991, GEO publie le GEO Newsletter, un bulletin bimensuel d’informations et d´analyses qui sert d´espace ouvert de discussion sur les projets d´organisation de base visant à créer et financer des entreprises et organisations démocratiques, écologiquement viables, et basées sur le contrôle démocratique, la propriété communautaire, et la solidarité. En 2007, face aux défis de la publication imprimée et compte tenu de notre désir d’atteindre un public plus large, nous avons lancé le site web

GEO est une des organisations fondatrices du Data Commons Project (Projet des communs des données) un projet de collaboration visant à créer une base de données partagée et accessible au public sur l´économie coopérative nord-américaine. Nous sommes également membres de la U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives, et le United States Solidarity Economy Network. GEO est également un co-commanditaire régulier de la Eastern Conference on Workplace Democracy. GEO s'engage à mettre en pratique les Solidarity Economy Principles.

Bienvenue sur notre site web, nous vous invitons à participer! Lisez, réfléchissez, partagez les ressources que vous trouverez ici avec d'autres et - surtout - contribuez votre voix et votre point de vue au mouvement croissant de l'économie coopérative et solidaire.

Pour savoir plus sur la façon de s'impliquer dans le travail de GEO, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à


GEO is made possible with the support of our many contributors. Here are some of them:

Asar Amen-Ra

Brian Donovan

Cadwell Turnbull

Cooperative Development Foundation

Daniela Jungova

Diane Gasaway - Northwest Cooperative Development Center

Emma Weinstein-Levey

Evan Casper-Futterman — Cooperative Economics Alliance (CEANYC)

Fund for Democratic Communitees —

George Cheney

Guy Dauncey — Ten Green New Deals: How do they compare?

Hepburn Ingham

Jessica Gordon-Nembhard

Jim Johnson

John Lawrence

John A. McNamara

Jon Bean - on

Len Krimerman

Lisa Stolarski

Martin Meteyard

Matt Cropp - on

Michaela Fisher —

Michele Mashburn

Parag Rajendra Khandhar — Gilmore Khandhar, LLC

Rebecca Fisher-McGinty — Round Sky Solutions Coop 

Sarah Letham

Simel Esim


Read GEO's Mission Statement, Vision and Values

About the Collective

Our work. The primary work of GEO is to create and distribute useful resources--stories, reports, articles, ideas, dialogues, etc.--in the service of building a self-conscious movement for economic democracy and a solidarity economy and culture. This means that much of what we do together is journalistic work. We seek out inspiring and useful stories and information. We solicit and collect articles and other writings by movement thinkers and practitioners. We do interviews and write articles and essays. We coordinate these efforts via our published "issues."

Each issue (beginning in 2008) will have a theme around which the content is organized. An "issue editor" coordinates the creation of each theme issue. Our selection of themes will be oriented towards developing, over time, a systematic body of information about solidarity economy practices, organizations, strategies, and ideas. As the content of various themes evolves on the website, we plan to publish and distribute--in printed form--resource booklets around many of these themes. Possible upcoming themes include "workplace democracy in nonprofit organizations," "sliding-scale pricing for economic justice," "asset-based community development and the solidarity economy," "creative financing for a democratic economy," and more.

Our organization. GEO is organized as a democratic collective. This means that all members of the group share responsibility and decision-making power in the organization, rather than placing these powers in the hands of a single boss, director or board of directors. We act together, collectively, rather than giving or receiving directives from a chain-of-command. Certain collective members do take more active roles in facilitating decisions and communication, and in coordinating various projects. These roles rotate over time, and people with coordinating roles are accountable to the larger collective in their work.

We make decisions by consensus, discussing ideas and proposals until we have found a shared space of agreement. As a small group, our process is relatively informal, though we do have some agreed-upon procedures waiting in the wings if the informal approach falls short.

As collective members, we hold each other to a set of shared responsibilities:

  • Share in the overall work of maintaining and building GEO: facilitating collective communication (ie- conference calls, meetings, etc.), managing finances, fundraising, seeking new collective members, spreading the word about GEO to the wider world, etc.
  • Participate actively as editors and/or writers of new material, or in other work that is important to the working of the group (website work, fundraising, outreach, etc.). Also, seeking & collecting articles and other new materials for the website.
  • Participate in decisions about the work and trajectory of GEO, including discussions about the selection of website content and issue "themes" and the development of the website.
  • Build one-on-one relationships with individual new volunteers ("mentorships") as a way of welcoming them into the collective, identifying their strengths and skills, developing their sense of our work togther, and helping them to integrate into the collective process and culture.

Who we are. Members of GEO are scattered all over, from Washington DC to western Montana. We work as a network of collaborators, communicating by email, phone, and occasional face-to-face meetings.

Current active members of the collective are:

Bios of GEO Collective members can be found at, and by clicking the links on their names above.

Joining GEO. We are always excited to have new people join the collective. Our process for this is also somewhat infomal. Most people who join GEO begin by volunteering as a writer, editor or project co-organizer. After getting to know the members of the collective, they become "collective members" by either asking the collective (in which case the collective has a conversation and decides together based on our experiences of working together with the new potential member) or being invited by the collective.

We seek people who:

  • share a commitment to building an economy and society that is just, sustainable and democratic;
  • are non-dogmatic in their political approach (ie- embracing a diversity of tactics, strategies and models, rather than single, one-size-fits-all visions);
  • are commited to anti-oppression practice at both personal and societal levels;
  • are thoughtful and conscientious "cooperators"--who work well with others in a collective process;
  • are willing and excited to share their skills with the collective and with the movements we support;
  • are reliable in their commitments;
  • and who are willing to committ to the shared responsibilities of being a collective member.

Please email us if you have any questions or would like to join the GEO team!