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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Linking Opposition & Alternatives

October 3, 2016

A Cooperative Manifesto


Cooperative development is the most important social change work that a person can do.

June 13, 2024

If this Is Us at 20, What Could We Be at 40?


My main work over the past 44 years has been about figuring out how we can consciously develop democracy all over this country. This has included 16 years of active involvement with the cooperative/solidarity economic movements. I believe that bringing this developmental perspective to the cooperative movement can be a rich and productive way for celebrating the 20th birthday of the USFWC. 

May 20, 2024

The Role of the Labor Movement in Solidarity Economy


Enjoy this panel discussion on the role of the labor movement in solidarity economy hosted by the Solidarity Economy Club at CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies from Friday, May 10 , 2024.

May 16, 2024

Liberation Economist - Part 2


GEO interviewed Mance in early 2024 hoping to better understand his work and thoughts on solidarity economy, particularly with regards to the platform. The interview was conducted in Spanish, and has been edited for clarity.

May 13, 2024

Dystopia Nepal Express


We jumped over utopia and plunged straight into technological dystopia. We might have done things differently, but there are no do-overs. Where can we go from here?

May 9, 2024

Liberation Economist - Part 1


GEO interviewed Mance in early 2024 hoping to better understand his work and thoughts on solidarity economy, particularly with regards to the platform. The interview was conducted in Spanish, and has been edited for clarity.

April 29, 2024

Fediverse Model Offers Social Media a Second Chance


The Fediverse, as Jakob Sitter Midttun writes, is an ensemble of interconnected – yet independent –  free, open source social media platforms utilizing federated protocols to seamlessly integrate with one another.

April 22, 2024

Rescuing Firms in a Co-operative Way


We have carried out an empirical study of WBOs in Italy since 1985, describing the role of two key institutions - the legal framework and the cooperative associations. WBO operations were officially recognized in 1985 by the Italian policy-maker. The research has led to establishing a sample, wider than any previously done in Italy, resulting from the analysis of data collected by the Legacoop’s Area Studi and provided by the main actors in the promotion and financing of WBOs (Cooperazione Finanza Impresa, COOPFOND, Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione) and the data published by Banca Etica and the Italian Network of Recovered Companies. This has led to being able to closely study the effectiveness and features of WBOs in Italy. We found that longer lifespans and higher rates of activity are associated with the membership of a cooperative association. The sectoral and geographic analysis confirms the conclusions of previous studies, highlighting a clear concentration of WBOs in the Central and North-Eastern regions of Italy and in the manufacturing sector. The average lifespan of the co-operatives, as well as the survival rate, proves the positive economic and social impact of WBOs in times of crisis. The findings have implications that go beyond Italy. We conclude discussing the importance of an appropriate legal framework supporting WBOs and the importance of cooperative associations, including their financial branches.

April 8, 2024

The GKN Workers’ Fight Continues


What follows is the midnight speech on 31 December 2023, by Dario Salvetti, an ex GKN worker and shop steward, and one of the spokespersons of Florence’s GKN Factory Collective.

March 28, 2024

Flora Cooperative and Cooperation Milwaukee


Jay Geils talks about the multi-faceted Flora Cooperative and the co-op network Cooperation Milwaukee.