Using text-as-data techniques, we apply the dictionary to a 15-year sample of credit union (a type of co-operative) and bank (IOFs) annual report texts. The resulting model ranks credit unions and banks on a co-op versus IOF firm scale and identifies credit unions that may be at risk of losing their identity because of their use of IOF language.
This case study analyses a multi-stakeholder network of single-stakeholder co-ops that emerged in the Colorado solar energy industry that could be a replicable model for scaling co-operative businesses despite challenges of capital access.
Matt Noyes (2018). We'll See It When We Know It: Recognizing Emergent Solidarity Economy, Part 2. Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).
Emma Weinstein-Levey (2017). Principle 7 in Action: How LES People's Credit Union Practices Solidarity. Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).
Ma'ikwe Ludwig (2016). Materialized Empathy: A new project to develop law and policy that supports justice, sustainability and democracy. Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).