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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

place-based (local) economics

July 1, 2021

Rethinking the Farming Economy

A Vermont nonprofit is connecting independent farms with buyers and distributors, reducing food surplus and working to eliminate food insecurity.


GEO Collective (2021).  Investing in Real Cooperation:  An Interview with Matt Cropp.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

January 11, 2021

Investing in Real Cooperation

Matt Cropp talks about what the Oak Street Cooperative and Vermont Real Estate Co-op have been up to.


Matt Noyes (2020).  Learning from the Earth:  Permaculture Meets Cooperation at OrganaGardens.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

August 13, 2020

Learning from the Earth

OrganaGardens is a landscaping cooperative that uses a unique structure to account for collective ownership as well as mutual care and transformation.


Josh Davis (2020).  The Ideas That Are Lying Around.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

April 16, 2020

The Ideas That Are Lying Around

We need to make some big changes to the way we think and act after covid-19.


Malikia Johnson (2020).  Seneca Price Kern:  An Interview from the Take Care of Each Other World Tour.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

February 17, 2020

Seneca Price Kern

Malikia Johnson interviews Seneca Price Kern about his work in urban agriculture in the Chicago's Englewood neighborhood, his inspirations, and dreams for the future.



Luis Razeto Migliaro (2019).  Solidarity Economy Roads:  Chapter 12 - Toward a Civilization of Labor and Solidarity.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

December 9, 2019

Solidarity Economy Roads

The concluding chapter of Solidarity Economy Roads which brings together observations from the previous 10 chapters.


John Restakis (2019).  The Kurdish Betrayal:  A Democracy Imperilled.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

October 10, 2019

The Kurdish Betrayal

The Democratic Federation of Norther Syria deserves to be protected by the US, not abandoned to the Turkish army.