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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Worker-owned Window Cooperative Opens Its Doors

"After almost a year in preparation, we are very excited to say that today, the New Era Windows Cooperative is opening its doors for business.  The Working World has been an extremely proud partner since day one, providing financing and technical assistance to help bring the cooperative to fruition."

Positive News Reports on Civil Rights Victory for Small Farmers

"To protect small and family farms from industrial factory farming, over a decade ago a handful of Pennsylvania townships stood up to some of the country’s largest agribusiness corporations. Recognizing that the state and federal government, rather than protecting them from factory farms, were in fact forcing them into communities, the townships took the unprecedented step of banning corporate farming within their borders."

Worcester Solidarity and Green Economy Conference

Worcester's Solidarity and Green Economy conference brings together activists, organizers, educators, community leaders, non-profits and other individuals and organizations who are committed to forging more equitable and sustainable ways of organizing our economies and communities. The 3rd annual conference will last three days from August 23-25. This conference will focus on building capacity for cooperators and lay the groundwork for creating a broader solidarity economy throughout Southern New England.

Cooperative HealthCare through Community Self-Insurance

Author Mira Luna asks: "why do we continue to give control over health care and our money away to companies that don't have our interests at heart in a matter that is literally life and death?" And she finds "alternative, community-based models [that] actually work".




(2013).  Workers Control and/or Worker Cooperatives?*:  An Interview with Dario Azzellini.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).


(2013).  GEO On Itself: Personal Reflections.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

UNRISD Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy

"On 6-8 May, UNRISD held a major international conference on Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy, co-hosted with the ILO and in partnership with UN-NGLS, Hivos, the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation and the Ville de Genève. The conference was a great success in terms of both participation and outcomes."

Check out this summary of the outcomes, panels, and discussions.

May 28, 2013

The Recycled Orchestra