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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Words Matter: Measuring the Cooperative Identity Crisis

Marc-Andre Pigeon
Daphne Rixon

Scaling Co-operatives Through a Multi-Stakeholder Network

Júlia Martins Rodrigues
Nathan Schneider

Italy's Worker Buyouts in Times of Crisis

Marcelo Vieta
Sara Depedri
Antonella Carrano

On Worker Cooperatives

On Contact

Creando Conciencia: A Cooperative Story

An Interview with Melanie Conn

Each for All

We'll See It When We Know It

Matt Noyes

Creando Conciencia y Felicidad

Michaela Fisher

Everything Old is New Again

Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo

Interview with Josefina Luna

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Principle 7 in Action

Emma Weinstein-Levey

Solidarity Between North and South

SOS Faim

Two Models of Cooperative Development

LIFT Economy

Democracy on Every Corner

TEDx Talks

The Great Transition Experiment

Pamela Boyce Simms
Brett Barndt

A Cooperative of Collectors


Materialized Empathy

Ma'ikwe Ludwig

Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflo

Dario Azzellini
Oliver Ressler

What is an Activist Entrepreneur?


Kwanzaa’s Ujamaa and Ujima

Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo

DC Solidarity Economy Summit

Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo

Ways to Create a Democratized Economy

Gar Alperovitz