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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Tenant Organizing in Unexpected Places


Discussing Labor Weighting in Worker Co-ops

GEO Collective

The Co-op Wars

Twin Cities PBS

The Social and Solidarity Economy Movement

Latin American & Iberian Institute

How to create a debt co-op to take back your student loans

Salish Sea Cooperative Finance
Erika Lundahl
John Beatty

Cooperative Enterprise and Market Economy: Chapter 6

Luis Razeto Migliaro
Matt Noyes

Solidarity Economics

Institute for New Economic Thinking

The Co-op Food System We Need

Half Past Capitalism

People Power Battery Collective


Five Stylized Facts about Producer Organizations & Rural Development

Jorge Sellare
Lisa Jäckering
Goytom Kahsay
Eva-Marie Meemken

Recommendations for Practicing Language Justice

Armando Desmadre
Christopher Preciado

The Commonsverse as a Parallel Polis

Katholische Akademie Berlin

Anti-Colonialism and Direct Democracy

Yavor Tarinski

From Bayanihan to Talkoot

Jeffrey Andreoni

Venezuela's Commune Experiment

Half Past Capitalism

A GreenStar For All

Emma Karnes