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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Support Organizations

Organizations that provide services, resources or any form of support to cooperative/solidarity economy initiatives or enterprises.

January 5, 2023

Worker Cooperatives: Building a Better Workplace

Laura Flanders speaks to founder of the Community and Worker Ownership Project Rebecca Lurie, CEO of One Brooklyn Health LaRay Brown, and New York City Council Member Sandy Nurse about the recent enthusiasm surrounding worker cooperatives throughout the country, and what they can offer workers that traditional employment cannot.

October 24, 2022

Teaching Solidarity: Popular Education in Grassroots U.S. Social Movements

How one program tried and failed to carve out autonomous "free space" within a large affordable housing non-profit.

August 15, 2022

Like Compost, But For Work

Today on the Tuesday 8:00 Buzz with Dr. Damita Brown, Charity Schmidt from University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives and Madison Cooperative Development Coalition joins us to talk about cooperatives and her work helping cooperatives develop!


June 30, 2022

This Southern Appalachian town uses co-ops to build new communities around old industries

In the foothills of western North Carolina, the small town of Morganton is home to a growing co-op movement that’s reinvigorating the region’s once-struggling textile and furniture manufacturing industries, and refashioning them around egalitarianism and localism. 

June 16, 2022

Alanna Irving on Distributed Leadership and Infrastructures for Commoning

In the latest episode of Frontiers of Commoning, I speak with Alanna Irving, Chief Operating Officer of Open Collective, a nonprofit that handles the complicated, messy administrative and financial work for small, often-underfunded collectives.

May 2, 2022

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation

Cinar, Larry, and Kevin talk with Hazel Corcoran and Jared Blustein from the Canadian Worker Cooperative Federation.

February 15, 2022

A Crisis of Jurisdiction in the Economy

An interview with Gopal Dayaneni on the Seed Commons and building community power for a just transition.

January 31, 2022

Ontario Co-operative Association & London Brewing Co-op

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the way co-ops do business in Ontario? Are there new ways of collaborating or communicating that are leading to innovation and growth of the sector?

September 9, 2021

Building Cooperative Support Networks

The Valley Alliance of Worker Co-ops is a secondary cooperative, meaning they are a cooperative made up of member co-ops.