Social.Coop Happy Hour #1
[Editor's note: The participants in this conversation are all users of Social.Coop, a cooperatively managed social network. To join Social.Coop, click here. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties during the recording session we lost a few minutes of Michaela's talk as well as a question from Emi. Our content manager promises to do better next time.]
Michaela Fisher talks with Matt Cropp, Emi Do, Matt Noyes and Josh Davis about her Watson Fellowship year, which she spent traveling in Europe, East Asia, and South and North America, visiting worker cooperatives and Social & Solidarity Economy enterprises.
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Grassroots Economic Organizing (2018). Michaela Fisher on Her Cooperative World Tour: Social.Coop Happy Hour #1. Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO). https://geo.coop/story/socialcoop-happy-hour-1
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