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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Cooperativas no agropecuarias

Euclides Catá Guilarte
Osnaide Izquierdo Quintana

The Permanent Community Energy Cooperative

Subin Varghese

Solidarity Economics as Transformative Politics

Michelle Williams
Vishwas Satgar

A Culture with Heart

Kara Huntermoon

Mentoring Up, Down and Sideways

Micky Metts

Putting the Grocery Back in the Grocery Store

Greg Olson
Tanner Segbers

Will the Poor Always be With Us?

Jim Tull

SIN PATRÓN (Without a Boss)

Colectivo Documental Semillas

The Call for a New Economy


LA Ecovillage

Kirsten Dirksen

ROH Cooperative Cafe

Ekumenická akademie Praha

Resist & Build


Earthaven Ecovillage


Permaculture, Commons and Community

Helen Iles

Solidarity Between North and South

SOS Faim

Change from the Bottom Up

The Laura Flanders Show

Support Women's Worker Co-op Bakery in Rojava

Radical Routes

Boulder's Cooperative Housing


Two Models of Cooperative Development

LIFT Economy

Black Agrarianism: Resistance

Dãnia C. Davy
Edward “Jerry” Pennick
Savonala Horne
Tracy Lloyd McCurty