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New Co-op Financial Association for Southern Small Farmers

Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund (FSC/LAF)

The Banker Ladies Council

Collective Diaspora

Cooperative Finance in Haiti and Grenada

GEO Collective
Caroline Shenaz Hossein

Subchapter T & How Money Flows Through a Cooperative

The Sustainable Economies Law Center

Tax Preparation for Worker Co-ops

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

The Art of the Legal Hack

Janelle Orsi
David Bollier

Building a Cooperative Support System

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Solidarity Economy Roads

Luis Razeto Migliaro

What Your Co-op Needs to Know About the New Tax Laws

NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives

Guerrilla Translation's Open Coop Governance Model

Stacco Troncoso

How Worker Co-ops Decide to Share Profits

Jonah Fertig-Burd

Sociocracy: Connecting Humans for a Shared Purpose

Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

Building the Economy We Want

The Laura Flanders Show

Principle 7 in Action

Emma Weinstein-Levey

Solidarity with Standing Rock

Frank Cetera

The Best Place to Work

Local Enterprise Assistance Fund

Cooperative Accounting Conundrum

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Debunking Co-op Myths

Ruby Levine

An Economy of Empowerment

The Extraenvironmentalists