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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Canning for Change


Pittsburgh Resilience & Relocalization Lessons

Pamela Boyce Simms

An Economy of Empowerment

The Extraenvironmentalists

"Pilot Lights" Need Fuel

Pamela Boyce Simms

It's From Our Land


In Praise of the Pines

Jenny Silverman

The Great Transition Experiment

Pamela Boyce Simms
Brett Barndt

Putting the Soul Back in the Motor City

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Haiti's Social and Solidarity Economy

Development and Peace

The Small Wind Co-op

Getting Technical About Cooperation

Network of American Tech Worker Cooperatives

Grazers: A Cooperative Story

Collective Eye Films

Black Farmers Are Back And On the Rise

Leah Penniman

Changing Everything

Steven Gorelick

GEO Podcast #1 - Exorcising Racism Through Introspection

Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo
Pamela Boyce Simms
Josh Davis

The Kallari Cooperative of Ecuador

Luci Latina Fernandes

A Cooperative of Collectors


The Business of Collaboration

Albert Cañigueral