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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Sociocracy: Connecting Humans for a Shared Purpose

Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

Getting to Consent with Sociocracy

Sociocracy For All (SoFA)

Building the Economy We Want

The Laura Flanders Show

Interview with Josefina Luna

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Successful Self-Governance at a Worker Co-op

Sociocracy For All (SoFA)

Principle 7 in Action

Emma Weinstein-Levey

What We Need is Some Culture: Part 2

Michael Johnson

What We Need is Some Culture: Part 1

Michael Johnson

Solidarity Between North and South

SOS Faim

Support Women's Worker Co-op Bakery in Rojava

Radical Routes

Two Models of Cooperative Development

LIFT Economy

Black Agrarianism: Resistance

Dãnia C. Davy
Edward “Jerry” Pennick
Savonala Horne
Tracy Lloyd McCurty

Leading by Example

Future Focus Media Co-op

The Best Place to Work

Local Enterprise Assistance Fund

We Are All Leaders Here!

Bill Caspary

Self-Empowerment Through Cooperative Enterprise

Samantha Greiff

The Cooperative Movement vs. Global Capitalism

Margaret Rapp

Building Black Cooperatives

Ed Whitfield
Father Albert McKnight

Cooperative Accounting Conundrum

Grassroots Economic Organizing

A Cooperative Manifesto

Tim Huet

Debunking Co-op Myths

Ruby Levine

The Evolution of the Commons

Arun Agrawal