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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


The Conversion of Oxbow Design Build

Ebony Gustave

MyCoolClass Co-op

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op

Align in the Sound

Governance in Home Care Cooperatives

Cooperative Development Foundation

Cities Beyond Bureaucracy

Yavor Tarinski

Cooperative Special Effects

GEO Collective

Subchapter T & How Money Flows Through a Cooperative

The Sustainable Economies Law Center

Unstoppable: How Cooperative Businesses are Transforming Communities

Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance
Bonfire Media Collective

Artists as Workers - A New Model for Organizing

Talking Radical Radio

Enjoying the Fruit of Collective Labor

Michael Johnson

The Immigrant Caregiver Experience

Cooperative Development Foundation

Tips on Starting a Housing Co-op

Mira Luna

Young People and Cooperatives: A Perfect Match?

International Cooperative Alliance

Finance Options for Worker Co-ops

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

The Rest of Our Working Lives

Michael Johnson

How To Build A DisCO

Cooperative Sociocracy — Making it Work for Your Co-op

Sociocracy For All (SoFA)

Organizing for food sovereignty in Boston


How Co-ops Benefit Your Wallet and Work

Build Bronzeville

Co-ops and Voting Rights

Everything Co-op

Building Co-ops and Serving the Community

Megan McGee