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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Food Co-ops Practicing Principle Six: Cooperation Among Cooperatives

December 6, 2021


This episode is all about co-ops helping co-ops! The sixth co-op principle is “Cooperation Among Cooperatives.” How do co-ops, well, cooperate? Host Anastasia takes us through a number of different ways that co-ops have been known to support one another. First, did you know that the Littleton Food Co-op is actually a member of other co-ops? One of those is the Neighboring Food Co-op Association (NFCA), and Bonnie Hudspeth is featured in this episode to tell you why it is imperative for co-ops to work together, and the results that can happen when they do so. We also step outside the consumer food co-op world to hear from Molly Snell-Larch of Columinate, a national consulting cooperative made up of diverse experts dedicated to making co-ops better. Finally, David Hale of the Caledonia Food Co-op tells us how valuable established co-ops are when forming a new co-op.


The Littleton Coop is a member-owned grocery store featuring local produce, hot prepared foods, deli, bulk foods, craft beer, wine and a quality grocery selection.

Member-owned Littleton Consumer Cooperative Society, Inc. strives to serve the North Country of New Hampshire and Northeast Kingdom of Vermont by providing a broad range of high quality food products, offered at a fair price, with outstanding service.

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