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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


House of the Mondragon

Half Past Capitalism

CoopCycle in Argentina

Denise Kasparian

Sociocratic Governance in Unicorn Grocery Co-op

Sociocracy For All (SoFA)

Workers' Self-Management at Vio.Me

Leneșx Radio

A Failure of Cooperative Governance

International Centre for Co-operative Management

Wings Co-op: Courier-Owned Delivery

Iwan Doherty

Why Italy Might See a Worker Co-operative Boom

Elif Tugba Simsek

Italy's Worker Buyouts in Times of Crisis

Marcelo Vieta
Sara Depedri
Antonella Carrano

Cooperative Sociocracy — Making it Work for Your Co-op

Sociocracy For All (SoFA)

Coming Home to Casa di Alice

Hitchhiking Across the Atlantic to Visit Co-ops

Seizing the Means of Production

Unicorn Riot

How to Set Up a Squash Growing Co-op

Roland Hague

Equal Care Co-op

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Michaela Fisher on Her Cooperative World Tour

Grassroots Economic Organizing

The Low Impact Living Affordable Community

Graham Burnett

The Mecca of Anarcho-Tourism

Matthew Slater

Making, Adapting, Sharing

Morgan Meyer
Alekos Pantazis

How to Start and Maintain a Micro-Revolutionary Project

Katarzyna Gajewska, PhD