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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Working with Small Business Development Centers

A USFWC Policy and Advocacy Council Webinar

The USFWC Policy and Advocacy Council hosts quarterly public webinars on current topics. This quarter, we will be focusing on the resources you need to communicate with your local small business development centers, who are responsible for sharing information about worker ownership after the Main Street Employee Ownership Act.

The U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives and its members support and organize successful advocacy campaigns that win financial and legislative support for workplace democracy. This panel with Small Business Development Center representatives will help workers-owners and allies to “speak the language” of SBDCs, the Small Business Administration, and even your local legislators. We’ll share examples of in-progress efforts taking place across the country, and participants will leave equipped and inspired to organize in their own regions. [This session is presented in English.]


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