An Interview with Cindy Wiesner and Gopal Dayaneni of Climate Justice Alliance
Where to next in the Global Justice Movement? Gopal Dayaneni has been involved in fighting for social, economic, environmental and racial justice through organizing & campaigning, teaching, writing, speaking and direct action since the late 1980's. Cindy Wiesner is a queer working class Latina, and has been a community organizer for the last 20 years, and is the Program Coordinator for the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance. Together, they look back on the recent Climate Justice march, and ask what's next for social justice movements. Featuring a special look at US indigenous resistance to extreme energy, displacement, and economic dependency at Black Mesa, in Arizona. And in the F Word commentary, Laura looks at a low moment in political campaigns.
Watch more from Laura Flanders and GRITtv on their website
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