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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Building the Commons Beyond Markets and States

Celebrating the Work of Elinor Ostrom

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August 8, 2014
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Editor's note:  Elinor Ostrom, winner of the 2009 Nobel prize in Economics for her work on "common pool resources," was born on August 7, 1933.  In order to mark the occassion, and to celebrate the life and accomplishments of this great woman, we present four videos of Elinor explaining the fundamentals and implications of her research.  Though we lost Elinor in 2012, her work and her thought will continue to be a resource for commoners and a source of inspiration and guidance for future academics for a many years to come.  After you've heard what Elinor has to say here, be sure to take a look at GEO #9-Collective Action: Research, Practice and Theory, a theme for which Elinor wrote a special introduction, and which was guest edited by Seth Frey of the Ostrom Workshop.  Watch, learn and share.


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