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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

GEO Mission and Vision Statement

June 20, 2010



The Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) Collective of the Ecological Democracy Institute of North America (EDINA) is committed to promoting an economy and society that are just, fulfilling, sustainable and democratic.  


Our mission is to Chronicle, Connect, Convene, and Catalyze activities regarding movements that promote workplace democracy and democratic coordination of the larger economy.  Our processes are consistent with our goals. We pursue these values in a democratic fashion, prioritizing the voices of practitioners. We achieve this by maintaining an evolving online library of the worker cooperative and solidarity economy movements and their recent history, producing an online newsletter (and sometimes print media), and convening conferences.


We are deeply committed to honoring the self-respect and self-empowerment of others without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, or class. We see profiteering, wealth extraction, and neo-colonialism as substantially underpinning all systems of oppression and underrepresentation. We see participatory democracy and local/regional economic self-determination as the natural and empowering paths forward for us all. We unconditionally demand the recognition of the equality of all and their rights to participate in the formation and governance of their communities.  We are agile in using strategies to make more visible those practices which foster cooperation, shared power and responsibility, and equitable participation in the ongoing creation of healthy, sustaining and satisfying livelihoods for all.



Sandy DeVarenne

I’m interested in helping out with this organization. I agree strongly with your vision statement and want to help. I have no background in economics, but I do want to learn. At this point I can see myself helping with reading articles and summarizing information, if that is needed. I’m a public school teacher and would love to help in any way I can.

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