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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Community Owned Real Estate

Ebony Gustave

What it's Like to Work in a Cooperative Kitchen

Malikia Johnson

Mapping the US Solidarity City

Community Economies Institute

Organizing for Food Justice in a Texas Food Desert

Kevin Richardson

Matt Cropp on Worker Co-op Basics

Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation

Selling Cooperative: The Olympia Food Co-op

Robyn Wagoner

Selling to a Worker Coop Over Time

Linda Phillips

The Best Job Ever

Malikia Johnson

On Worker Cooperatives

On Contact

Rethinking the Farming Economy

Natalie Peart

Worker Co-ops vs. COVID

The Real News Network

The Rest of Our Working Lives

Michael Johnson

Organizing for food sovereignty in Boston


How Co-ops Benefit Your Wallet and Work

Build Bronzeville

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief


Saving Farmland, Supporting Farmers

David Bollier

Cooperation and Chocolate

Agostino Petroni

A New Landscape for Skill-Sharing

Ruby Irene Pratka

Investing in Real Cooperation

GEO Collective

The Art of the Legal Hack

Janelle Orsi
David Bollier

How to Create a Solidarity Enterprise: Unit VII

Luis Razeto Migliaro