You might have seen publications with the term Sociocracy (or Dynamic Governance) circulating in cooperative contexts lately. It originated and became popularized in the Netherlands a few decades ago, but it has gained some major traction in the US the last few years, and it is also spreading worldwide. The way SoFA (Sociocracy For All) teaches it, Sociocracy is primarily about two things: equivalence and effectiveness. It’s no coincidence these two overarching concepts are pillars of Economic Cooperation as well. Sociocracy functions as a scalable governance method for cooperatives (and any other type of organization!), but it also promotes a paradigm shift for culture change. Hence it’s been called “the operating system of the next economy.” In this collection, we cover the basics of Sociocracy, as well as some nitty-gritty bits of its pragmatic methodology. We also explore here the roll that Dynamic Governance plays in our movement.
The Basics
The Nitty-Gritty
Case Studies