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Mumbet's Freedom Farm

Ebony Gustave

Retaining Rural Businesses through Conversion to Employee Ownership

University of Minnesota Extension Center for Community Vitality

The Power of Worker Co-ops on Workers' Lives

WORT 89.9 FM Madison

Gilda Haas Talks Worker Co-ops

Los Angeles Eco-Village

Pool Yourself Together

Jere Kuzmanić

A Cooperative Ecosystem and How Unions Build Power

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Prepare your Worker Co-op for Tax Season

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

A Crisis of Jurisdiction in the Economy

Half Past Capitalism

Labor Law, Co-ops, and Innovation

JJ Noire

2021 Worker Co-op Awards Ceremony

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Understory: Worker-Led Restaurant

Ebony Gustave

The Old Salt Co-op

GEO Collective

How White Electric Coffee Became a Worker Co-op

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Intro to Cooperative Governance and Management

The Sustainable Economies Law Center

Community Owned Real Estate

Ebony Gustave

What it's Like to Work in a Cooperative Kitchen

Malikia Johnson

Mapping the US Solidarity City

Community Economies Institute

Organizing for Food Justice in a Texas Food Desert

Kevin Richardson

Matt Cropp on Worker Co-op Basics

Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation