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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


A Cooperative Ecosystem and How Unions Build Power

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Labor Law, Co-ops, and Innovation

JJ Noire

A Union Tookit for Cooperative Solutions

Rebecca Lurie
Bernadette King Fitzsimons

A New Exit Strategy for Successful Start-Ups

The Laura Flanders Show

Solidarity Economy – a first step

Luis Razeto Migliaro

How White Electric Coffee Became a Worker Co-op

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Mapping the US Solidarity City

Community Economies Institute

Co-ops Not Cops - Part 2

GEO Collective

Rethinking the Farming Economy

Natalie Peart

How to Strengthen the Cooperative Community

GEO Collective

Cities Beyond Bureaucracy

Yavor Tarinski

Artists as Workers - A New Model for Organizing

Talking Radical Radio

Disaster Relief, Mutual Aid, and Revolt

Megan McGee

Saving Farmland, Supporting Farmers

David Bollier

Cooperation and Chocolate

Agostino Petroni

Whose Economy Is It?

The Laura Flanders Show

Co-ops Not Cops Webinar, Nov. 18th

GEO Collective