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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

The Problem with Ride-Hailing Co-ops

This is a conversation that was recorded for use in CODEPINK Radio - Episode 257: Drivers Against Genocide. Josh and Sergei discuss the problems with the Uber/Lyft "rideshare" business model, including its inability to create profits, its foundation in violating government and insurance rules and regulations, and its dependence on drivers not taking into account the full cost involved. For these and other reasons, Josh argues that while there is ample scope for cooperative solutions in the transportation industry, simply trying to replicate the Uber/Lyft model as a cooperative is not the way to go.

Referenced in this conversation: Why We Don't Need a Cooperative Uber, by John McNamara

CODEPINK Radio - Episode 257: Drivers Against Genocide

Thanks to CODEPINK and Sergei for allowing us to upload out own edit.



GEO Collective (2024).  The Problem with Ride-Hailing Co-ops.  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO).

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