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Julie Graham, alternative economics activist, dies.

May 25, 2010

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Julie Graham, an innovative scholar-activist and long time member of the Center for Popular Economics, died April 5, 2010, in Nashville, TN, GEO learned as we were laying out this issue.  Graham died from complications from a scarred windpipe, which blocked her breathing on a flight from Australia. The plane made an emergency landing in Nashville, but by the time she arrived at a hospital her brain had been deprived of too much oxygen.

"She was a great visionary and an inspiration to many of us," said Emily Kawano, director of the CPE, an Amherst-based collective of political economists. "We will remember her for her warmth, enthusiasm, creativity, originality, and her steadfast support for the many paths that lead toward a people- and community-centered economy."

Graham, the associate department Head for Geography at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, focused her academic-activist work on rethinking economy and alternative economic development practices in the U.S., Australia and Asia Pacific region.  She co-edited, along with Jerry Epstein and Jessica Gordon Nembhard, the CPE book, "Creating a New World Economy." 
Much of Graham's writing was under the pen name of J.K. Gibson-Graham, which she shared with longtime collaborator and research partner, Katherine Gibson. Their first book, "The End of Capitalism," was published in 1996. A second book, "A Post-Capitalist Politics," was published in 2006.

Graham earned a B.A. from Clark College in 1968, and a Ph.D. from Clark University in 1984 in economic geography.  That same year she joined the Geoscience department at UMass, Amherst as a geography professor.  The university website described her as a "pillar" of the department.

A memorial website has been set up at:  See the next issue of GEO for a more thorough examination of Graham's contribution to the field of alternative economics.

(Thanks to Mary Hoyer for helping to pull this together.)

When citing this article, please use the following format: Julie Graham, alternative economics activist, dies (2010).  Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) Newsletter, Volume II, Issue 5,

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