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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Update from Resonate, a Music Streaming Co-op

June 2, 2016

by the Resonate team

The last few months since we presented Resonate at the Platform Coop conference in NYC has seen a flurry of activity.

We’ve recruited half a dozen new labels, hundreds of bands and artists, and more than 50 volunteers. One significant member of the team who recently joined is Shane Morris, who used to work for Sony Music Nashville, MySpace, and the music blog Earmilk. He brings a wealth of experience and contacts within the industry to the project and is helping accelerate our recruitment goals.

Design on our player demo is ongoing and should be concluded this fall, at which point we’ll announce our official crowdfunding campaign.

Another significant development is the partnerships that have been forged with various individuals and organizations in the US and Europe, specifically around the “blockchain for music” topic. Resonate Founder Peter Harris just co-organized a blockchain lab at the Music Tech Fest in Berlin, which saw participants from across the industry collaborating and debating on the best way forward to create a decentralized database for metadata and rights management for the music industry.