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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Remaking the Economy: Redefining Risk

What is risk and who bears it? Typically, risk is assigned to those with the fewest resources. Investments to low-income communities and communities of color are often denied because they are deemed “too risky.” In this webinar, participants challenge those assumptions and discuss strategies that they implement to shift risk to those who can afford to bear it and facilitate the building of wealth in low-income communities and communities of color. Participating in the discussion are:

  • Deborah Frieze, based in Boston, is president and founder of the Boston Impact Initiative, a place-based impact investing nonprofit that aims to close the racial wealth gap by changing the rules of how capital flows through communities of color.
  • Kate Khatib, based in Baltimore, is co-director of Seed Commons, a national network of locally rooted, non-extractive loan funds that support worker co-op development in over two dozen cities.
  • Ojan Mobedshahi, based in Oakland, California, is finance director of East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative, a community-led cooperative that buys and preserves real estate to keep tenants of color in Oakland.

Watch the full presentation at Nonprofit Quarterly


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