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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Launch of Go-op's Taunton - Swindon rail services

Go-op is bringing the benefits of co-operative ownership to the passenger rail sector for the first time ever. Through Go-op, passengers will have a direct voice in the specification and delivery of routes; and staff will be empowered to set the highest standards for delivery. This share offer is to launch our first rail service, but our goal is to continue to innovate across multiple routes and different modes of transport, all in pursuit of our objects: to enhance mobility while reducing the social and environmental impacts of transport.

We are run by our nine directors, all elected by almost three hundred members. While some of our directors are former rail professionals, many are ordinary rail users determined to see empty tracks better used and the market towns of Somerset and Wiltshire properly connected to the network and each other. 

Read the rest and contribute to the co-operative at Crowdfunder


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