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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Developing Worker Co-ops Among Previously Incarcerated People

One of the lessons learned from studying incarcerated worker co-ops is the need for continuity once incarcerated people are released. In the US we do not have any incarcerated worker co-ops but we do have some efforts to educate previously incarcerated people about cooperative businesses, and help to develop co-ops owned by previously incarcerated people and people of color. We will hear from experiences with creating appropriate curricula, manuals, and trainings to start such co-ops; from Mary Sutton with Collective ReMake (Los Angeles), Natalie Kallio with the Centre for the Study of Cooperatives (USask), and Kathleen Atkinson with Annunciation Monastery (Bismarck, ND). Panelists will discuss with each other successes and challenges of providing appropriate and relevant content for co-op education with people with lived experiences in the criminal legal system.

Watch more from the Association of Cooperative Educators on YouTube


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