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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

A Closer Look at Worker Cooperatives

Worker cooperatives are becoming a popular form of the cooperative business model and generating more attention these days.  A worker cooperative is a business where workers own most of the equity and control the voting shares of the business, while participating in profit sharing, oversight, in some cases, management, while operating by democratic cooperative principles.  The OSU Center for Cooperatives team recently spoke with area worker cooperative leaders to hear about how they got their start and navigate current worker co-op operations and trends to continue propelling their businesses forward to be successful today.

Grace Corbin, Vice President of the Board of Directors and Marketing Coordinator with Casa Nueva, shared with us about the start of the Athens based restaurant.  “Back in 1985 it was known as Casa K Pasa at the time and the owner split town.  So the workers decided to band together and found a way to make it a co-op so they could maintain employment.  Today Casa has more than 15, and less than 20 member, worker owners right now.  We also have between 35 and 40 employees that is complicated, confusing and fun.”

Read the rest at CFAES Center for Cooperatives


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