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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Business Conversions to Social Purpose Enterprises – for Equity-Denied Groups


**Please note that registration is mandatory to attend both the in-person and online versions of this event. Due to capacity limitations at the cafe, those arriving without prior registration may be redirected to join via Zoom from an off-site location.

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation (CWCF) is joining forces with Glitter Bean Cafe in Halifax, NS to facilitate a session on business conversions to Social Purpose Organizations (SPOs) for members of Equity-Denied Groups (EDGs). Glitter Bean Cafe is a proudly Queer-centric worker owned co-op, that provides a safe space for all members of the LGBTQ2S+ community.

The presentation will include an overview of CWCF’s JEDI Business Conversion Project (including its objectives, initiatives and events) and a discussion on why a JEDI-centered approach to Social Purpose Organizations (SPOs) and the Canadian employment realm- is needed for true transformational change.

Hazel will discuss CWCF’s history and mission within the co-operative and SPO sectors. Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido will tackle themes such as the cultural affinity of EDGs to SPOs, challenges faced by EDGs in traditional realms and in business conversions, and how business conversions to SPOs can benefit marginalized groups. She’ll also share insights on how mutual aid and co-operative economics have uplifted women and women identifying individuals facing domestic violence, financial trauma/challenges, and abuse. Janielle will touch on the challenges various members of EDGs face in the workplace and financial spaces, and the subsequent need for reform. She will also discuss the JEDI Business Conversion Project, as it is situated to help combat the mainstream struggles EDGs experience in many traditional business realms. The session will conclude with a Question & Answer period, where Hazel and Juliet will respond to audience inquiries.

Register for the event on Eventbrite


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