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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Teleconference on "Moving Beyond Capitalism"

This Monday, February 24th, there will be a teleconference on the theme of this summer’s international conference on Moving Beyond Capitalism sponsored by the Center for Global Justice. We are bringing together scholars and activists from the global North and South to dialog about practices and institutions being built in the nooks and crannies of capitalist societies that point toward a more participatory, more democratic, and more empowering alternative.  
In the U.S. these include cooperatives, public banking, participatory budgeting, community based agriculture and more.  In many ways these converge with efforts under way to build alternative institutions in Cuba, Venezuela, and the Zapatista communities in Mexico.  By nurturing solidarity, they each seek to strengthen civil society, one against the corporations, the other outside of but not against the state.  It is widely believed in the U.S. that Cuba’s reforms are leading to capitalism.  Yet the remarkably similar New Economy changes lead away from capitalism and toward socialism.  In both North and South there are promising movements beyond capitalism.
These are among the conceptual bases for the Moving Beyond Capitalism theme that Cliff DuRand will discuss on the teleconference being hosted by the Socialist Education Project of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. The teleconference will also highlighting some of the concrete plans for the Moving Beyond Capitalism conference, July 29 to August 5, 2014 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
(follow this link to read the call for submissions)

Whether you can go to this exciting conference this summer in San Miguel de Allende, México or not--be part of the discussion on "Moving Beyond Capitalism" on Monday, February 24, 9 pm EST. All are welcome to attend. See instructions below.

  1. Go to the Cisco WebEx Meeting Center, by clicking here.
  2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
  3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: jan123
  4. Click "Join".

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Sponsored by the Center for Global Justice.

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