This theme of Grassroots Economic Organizing celebrates the positive legacies and accomplishments of cooperative development in the past and lights the path to further growing the southern cooperative movement.
The Cooperative Movement in the South: Editor's Introduction by Jessica Gordon Nembhard
Jackson on the Rise! The Movement to Build Economic Democracy in Mississippi by Cooperation Jackson
Jackson, Mississippi is Rising: An Interview with Organizer Kali Akuno on Sustainability, Race, Class and Solidarity Economics by Dara Cooper
Struggling to End Southern Bondage by Ed Whitfield
Southern Grassroots Economies Project Values and Principles of Cooperation by Southern Grassroots Economies Project (SGEP)
Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund works to end poverty and start social justice in the rural South by John Zippert
Black Farming, Self Determination and Resilience: An Interview with activist and researcher Monica White, PhD by Dara Cooper
The Co-op that Changed the South by David Thompson (from the Cooperative Grocer Network website)
10 Facts About Cooperative Enterprise: Benefits and Impacts of Cooperatives by Jessica Gordon Nembhard
The Benefits and Impacts of Cooperatives (excerpts) by Jessica Gordon Nembhard
The Deep Roots of African-American Cooperative Economics interview with Jessica Gordon Nembhard
Transforming the Economy from the Ground Up by the Highlander Research and Education Center's Praxis Project
Jackson Rising: Black Millionaires Won't Lift Us Up, But Cooperation & the Solidarity Economy Might a report from Jackson's New Economies Conference by Bruce A. Dixon (from Black Agenda Report)