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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Join Black Land Matters Real Estate Investment Co-op

We are working together to secure cooperatively purchased and permanently owned Black Land. In this time of climate change and dwindling natural resources it is imperative that we implement practices which will support community and earth’s sustainability. In the development of urban & rural land projects permaculture design principles are one of the important methodologies which are to be used. Permaculture is based on designing our environments for the harmonious integration of landscape and people.

This land will serve as affordable space for civic, cultural, and cooperative use in domestic areas of the United States.

We are incubating a Black Land Matters Real Estate Investment Cooperative (BLM-REIC) that leverages the political power and patient investments of members to stabilize neighborhoods and build inclusive, culturally equitable and resilient cities around the country and areas of interest around the world.

Since our first member meeting in May 2012, we have attained a membership of 6 people, organized a fund of $40,000, purchased 10 acres of land internationally, and received pledges for future investments.

By mid-2017, we aim to finance at least one permanently affordable residential, commercial and agricultural property in metropolitan and rural areas. Our goal is to make long-term, stabilizing, and transformative investments for the mutual benefit of our member-owners and our communities.

Read the rest and get involved at Black Land Matters


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