August 22, 2012
This issue of the GEO Newsletter is a Memorial Tribute to Frank Lindenfeld, a founder of the Economic Democracy Institute of North America (EDINA), of "Changing Work", a print magazine dedicated to new visions of work and the workplace (a predecessor to the GEO Newsletter), and of the GEO Newsletter.
- Introduction: by Len Krimerman
Section I: Frank's Biography
- A Life Well Lived: Frank Lindenfeld 1943-2008: by Len Krimerman
Section 2: Remembrances and Memories
- Remembering Frank, A GEO Interview with Len Krimerman
- Frank's Editorial Prologue to "Changing Work" by Frank Lindenfeld
- Frank, as Someone Very Special by Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo
- Good Work and Frank was the Heart of It All by Wade Wright
- Frank Lindenfeld, Remembered by Monica Frolander-Ulf
- Tribute to Dr. Frank G. Lindenfeld, Professor by J. Matthias Brown JP
- Shorter Remembrances of Frank
Section 3: Documents By and About Frank Lindenfeld
- Why Some Co-ops Succeed While Others Fail: Speech by Frank Lindenfeld and Pamela Wynn (1995)
- The Cooperative Commonwealth: Speech by Frank Lindenfeld (1996)
- Frank Lindenfeld's "Cooperative Commonwealth": Building on History for a Cooperative Future by Bob Stone
- Shoulders We Are Standing On by Michael Johnson: comments on Frank's The Cooperative Commonwealth
- Book Review of Free Schools, Free People by Frank Lindenfeld
- Frank Lindenfeld Outstanding Student Award announcement (previously published on this site)
- Bibliography for Frank Lindenfeld (partial) by Len Krimerman and Jessica Gordon Nembhard