The economic collapse has effected millions of people in the critical areas of housing and jobs. It's no longer a secret that many are rediscovering the tried and true tradition of democratic worker cooperatives. "Democracy 24/7 : Living & Working Coop" talks to some great people who are members of both worker and housing cooperatives; jobs and housing that is owned and democratically run by the people who work/live there.
"Democracy 24/7" also asks, what role worker ownership of land can play in a creating a just, sustainable economy? What role does real estate speculation play in controlling our lives, and how is it connected to our eroded job security?
There are only a couple more interviews to shoot and edit for this 30 minute video, and then a chance to make the program available to community access stations, online and on DVD for educational purposes. I need your support to complete this video. I have some great perks if you can donate. If not, you can still help by spreading the word so that I can get this video out. Please enjoy these excerpts from "24/7 Democracy: Living & Working Coop." -JaiJai Noire 12/11/12
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