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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

David Swanson's "Occupy Everything"

October 15, 2013

A friend sent this link to this New Clear Vision piece. In Swanson's piece there is a paragraph worth posting in your bathroom to get you going every morning:

We’re going to need to know how and why we are committed to nonviolence.  We’re going to need to consider how and whether we can build something national or international without the corporate media.  We’re going to need to develop further our ability to combine our disparate movements against the giant triplets of racism, militarism, and extreme materialism.  We’re going to have to be capable of engaging in big-picture political action while becoming service centers to the homeless or avoiding doing so.  We’re going to have to further refine our ability to have fun without becoming foolish.  We’re going to have to appreciate unpredictable chaos and learn to generate and steer it without ever knowing what it is.  We’re going to have to decide whether we grow by hating the police or by meeting their antagonism with our own jiu-jitsu.  We’re going to have to become more international, more non-national, and more local, all at once.  We’re going to have to create a movement that grows and grows and grows prior to winning and regardless of winning, while directing its energy toward the most likely winning path.

He also discusses Nathan Schneider's new book Thank You, Anarchy: Notes From the Occupy Apocalypse, with a foreword by Rebecca Solnit.

Thank You, Anarchy: Notes From the Occupy Apocalypse, with a foreword by Rebecca Solnit. - See more at: You, Anarchy: Notes From the Occupy Apocalypse, with a foreword by Rebecca Solnit. - See more at:

See the whole piece at:

We’re going to need to know how and why we are committed to nonviolence.  We’re going to need to consider how and whether we can build something national or international without the corporate media.  We’re going to need to develop further our ability to combine our disparate movements against the giant triplets of racism, militarism, and extreme materialism.  We’re going to have to be capable of engaging in big-picture political action while becoming service centers to the homeless or avoiding doing so.  We’re going to have to further refine our ability to have fun without becoming foolish.  We’re going to have to appreciate unpredictable chaos and learn to generate and steer it without ever knowing what it is.  We’re going to have to decide whether we grow by hating the police or by meeting their antagonism with our own jiu-jitsu.  We’re going to have to become more international, more non-national, and more local, all at once.  We’re going to have to create a movement that grows and grows and grows prior to winning and regardless of winning, while directing its energy toward the most likely winning path. - See more at:

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