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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Global Tapestry of Alternatives: Weaving Transformative Connections

Ashish Kothari
Shrishtee Bajpai

Seeing Beyond the Map

Future Natures

People Power Battery Collective


The Commonsverse as a Parallel Polis

Katholische Akademie Berlin

Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy

United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE (UNTFSSE)

Foster & Iaione Probe Commoning in the City

David Bollier

Black Feminists in the Third Sector

Caroline Shenaz Hossein
Megan Pearson

Harvesting is an act of indigenous food sovereignty

Jessica Milgroom
Simone Senogles

Cooperatives as a Strategy in International Food Markets

Inter-American Development Bank
Lilia Stubrin

How to Design the Commons


More Than Ownership

Nicol Wistreich

Commoning and Changemaking

David Bollier

The Global Movement for Localization

Anja Lyngbaek

Building Better Knowledge Commons

David Bollier

The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom

Erik Nordman

Tactics for a Cooperative Digital Commons

Half Past Capitalism

What the History of Commoning Reveals

David Bollier

Cities Beyond Bureaucracy

Yavor Tarinski

Saving Farmland, Supporting Farmers

David Bollier