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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Meidner-ing at Night

Half Past Capitalism

Intentional Community and Capitalism

Sky Blue

Moving Upstream

Geoffrey M. Gusoff
David Zuckerman
Bich Ha Pham
Gery W. Ryan

What is the Union Cooperative Initiative?

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Limited Equity Co-ops and Community Land Trusts

Cooperative Development Foundation

'News from Nowhere' – Building Communal Life in Venezuela

Chris Gilbert
Cira Pascual Marquina

Worx Printing: A Union Co-op

Democracy At Work

A Cooperative Ecosystem and How Unions Build Power

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

A Union Tookit for Cooperative Solutions

Rebecca Lurie
Bernadette King Fitzsimons

How White Electric Coffee Became a Worker Co-op

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Community Owned Real Estate

Ebony Gustave

Support for Support Teams

Laird Schaub

Artists as Workers - A New Model for Organizing

Talking Radical Radio

Under the "Community Eye"

Diana Leafe Christian

Do housing co-ops decommodify housing?

Saki Bailey

The Shadow Side of Community

Laura Matsue