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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Rescuing Firms in a Co-operative Way

Andrea Bernardi
Andrea Cori
Mattia Granata
Keti Lelo
Salvatore Monni

Cooperatives in the European Housing Sector

Housing Europe

The GKN Workers’ Fight Continues

Lorezno Fe

An Interview with Ukraine's ReSew Coop

Patrick Le Tréhondat

‘New Economies’ and the Rebuilding of Democratic Power

Jonny Gordon-Farleigh

The Spanish Civil War: Lessons in Economic Democracy

Daniel Wortel-London

Mapping a Local Landscape of Care and Belonging

Luke Tanner

Foster & Iaione Probe Commoning in the City

David Bollier

Putting Fairness into the Gig Economy

Ernest Cañada
Carla Izcara
María José Zapata Campos

Building a More Equitable Internet

Trebor Scholz

Rojava-U.S. Co-op Exchange

Co-ops Not Cages

An Introduction to Some Common Business Models

Barefoot Co-op Development Programme

Sustainability of Worker Co-Operatives

Andreea Preluca
Karin Hakelius
Cecilia Mark-Herbert

House of the Mondragon

Half Past Capitalism

CoopCycle in Argentina

Denise Kasparian