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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Youth Build Solidarity & Worker-Ownership in a Post-Industrial City

This film depicts the emergence of WYC; a youth-driven movement space organized at the end of 2020 by six high school students in the post-industrial city of Worcester, MA.

Upholding values like Solidarity, Internationalism, Self-determination, Anti-racism & Pro-Blackness, Harm Reduction, & Youth Power, we prove that Youth are the PRESENT, not just the future!

Shot in beautiful Black and White by Andi Lipo, this film beautifully captures a unique project at a unique point in our history. Thank you for helping us tell our story!

"Dare to Co-op, Dare to Win!"

If you have the chance to watch the film, please take our short post-screening survey. Your feedback means everything to us. We want to learn about those we are able to connect with through the medium of this film. That way we can use RADIX as a way to continue building community with like-minded people all around the world. International working-class solidarity is one of the values that guide our work.

The mission of Worcester Youth Cooperatives' growing network is to support the power of youth to organize cooperative solutions to social issues they care about.

For inquiries or questions of any kind, email:

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