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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Support Co-ops at New York Council Meeting, Feb. 24th

Dear Friend:  
As someone who cares about promoting the values of social and economic justice, ecological sustainability, cooperation, and democracy, I wanted to invite you to show support by attending and/or testifying at the upcoming New York City Council’s Community Development Committee hearing by Council Member Maria del Carmen Arroyo on “Worker Cooperatives – Is This A Model That Can Lift Families Out Of Poverty?” on Monday, February 24, 2014, at 10:00 at 250 Broadway, 16th Floor Committee Room. 
 Today, many low-income workers in New York City face poor quality jobs with few benefits. It is critical that the City Council support the creation of jobs that combat poverty and empower workers to build small businesses rooted in the local communities, like worker cooperatives.  We are asking for your help in getting the word out about this hearing on worker cooperatives in an effort to maximize attendance, as well as testify at the hearing. To motivate New York City Council Members to act in the greater public interest, it is critical to have a big display of citizen concern to support their action!
 If you plan to attend to show support and/or testify, please contact Chirag Bhatt at or call 212-801-1815 and let us know your name, organizational affiliation (if you have one), email address and phone number so that we might inform the City Council of expected attendees. Also, please indicate if you plan to testify at the hearing or be there to show support  A coalition of worker cooperative allies will also be providing commemorative, “Worker Cooperatives for NYC,” t- shirts for the first sixty supporters at this Council hearing.
 Join FPWA at City Hall to help send a message that the City Council should support the development of worker cooperatives in New York City to help unemployed and underemployed New Yorkers.  Please attend this upcoming City Council hearing on February 24th and speak up!
 Noah Franklin  
 Noah Franklin
 Senior Policy Analyst
 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies
 281 Park Avenue South, NY, NY 10010


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