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Interviews from the 2024 Worker Co-op Conference

GEO Collective

Adapting employee ownership for truly democratic businesses

Kosta Juri
Tej Gonza

Julian and Esther

GEO Collective

Community Ownership and Racial Justice in the Cannabis Industry

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

An Interview with Yochai Gal of TechCollective

GEO Collective

Towards Democratic and Ecological Cities

Yavor Tarinski

Working the Co-op and Trusting the Land

Half Past Capitalism

Rescuing Firms in a Co-operative Way

Andrea Bernardi
Andrea Cori
Mattia Granata
Keti Lelo
Salvatore Monni

Cooperatives in the European Housing Sector

Housing Europe

The GKN Workers’ Fight Continues

Lorezno Fe

The Solidarity Economy in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

Center for Global Justice

An Interview with Ukraine's ReSew Coop

Patrick Le Tréhondat

Power to the People

Tom Llewellyn
Rural Power Coalition

How Workers Bypass the Blockade: Voices from Indorca (Part III)

Chris Gilbert
Cira Pascual Marquina

Solar Co-ops and Why They (Could) Rule

Leneșx Radio

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Worker Co-ops

Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation

Worker Control in a Capitalist Environment: Voices from Indorca (Part II)

Chris Gilbert
Cira Pascual Marquina

A Factory without Bosses

Chris Gilbert
Cira Pascual Marquina

Steps to Starting a Worker Co-op

Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation