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Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Executive Summary

Strategies for Transforming Neoliberal Finance Through Commons - Based Alternatives

February 3, 2016

David Bollier is Director of the Reinventing the Commons Program at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics. He is also an author, activist, and blogger.  His full bio can be found on his blog.





About the Author: Californian working in England and Wales, fellow of new economics foundation and a research associate of Co-operatives UK. He specialises in action research and development that focuses on innovative forms of economic democracy and community land trusts. He has specialized in innovative work on Commons solutions since 1999. Many of these solutions are covered in his 2012 book with Mike Lewis The Resilience Imperative: Co-operative Transitions to a Steady-state Economy. In Commons Sense (2014), a book he co-edited with Martin Large, the case is made for democratically capturing economic rents and land values through co-operative place making and 21st century Garden Cities.

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