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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Bibliography for Frank Lindenfeld (partial)

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October 25, 2012
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Bibliography for Frank Lindenfeld (partial)


Compiled by Len Krimerman and Jessica Gordon Nembhard, GEO Collective




An Analysis of Political Involvement (Ph.D. dissertation), Columbia University, 1961; 414 pages.

Workplace Democracy and Social Change (anthology, with Joyce Rothschild-Whitt), Boston: Porter Sargent Publishers, 1982; contains Frank’s article, “12 Problems of Power in a Free School.”

A New Earth, the Jamaican Sugar Cane Workers, 1975-1981, co-authored by Monica Frolander-Ulf, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984.

Radical Perspectives on Social Problems; Readings in Critical Sociology, General Hall, Inc., 1986; contains Frank’s essay, “Routes to Social Change.” [2nd Edition, NY: Macmillian Company, 1973]

When Workers Decide: Workplace Democracy Takes Root in North America (anthology, with Len Krimerman, based on Changing Work Magazine), Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1992; contains their essays on “Taking Stock: Workplace Democracy’s Unique Potential for Progressive Change” and “Strategies for Strengthening the Workplace Democracy Movement”; and Franks’ "The O&O Supermarkets: Achievements and Lessons."

From the Ground Up, Essays on Grassroots and Workplace Democracy by C. George Benello (anthology, with Len Krimerman, Carol Korty, and Julian Benello), South End Press, 1993; contains their “Notes on a Practical Utopian” and “Benello’s Enduring Decentralist Legacy.”




Cooperative Alternatives to Capitalism, guest edited by Frank in Humanity and Society, Volume 28, No. 3; August, 2004. Contains his introductory essay, “There are Many Alternatives: Positive Models for a Post-Capitalist Society”, along with essays by members of GEO and of the IIS, the International Institute for Self-Management.



“Organizing Summerhill West, An Interim Report”; unpublished, dated by Frank as June, 1967.

“The Story of Summerhill West, a California Free School of the 1960s”; unpublished, dated by Frank as December 1970.

“Free Schools in North America”, unpublished, dated by Frank as April, 1974.

“Free Schools and Social Change”; in WIN Magazine, July 11, 1974; Vol. X, #25.

“Progressive, Summerhillian, and Radical Free Schools”; unpublished, no date, but probably written in 1974 or 1975.

“Easy Come, Easy Go, Growth and Turnover of Free Schools in North America”; in Edcentric Magazine; no date, but probably 1975.

“Alternative Institutions: the Road to Social Change?”; in WIN Magazine, August 5, 1976.

“Philadelphia’s Employee Owned and Operated Supermarkets”; in Changing Work, #1, Fall, 1984.

“Contemporary Workplace Democracy in the United States”; in Socialism and Democracy, #11, September, 1990.

Book Review: Work, Politics and Power: An International Perspective on Workers' Control and Self-Management (by Assef Bayat. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1991), In Critical Sociology  Vol 18 (October 1991): 143-146.

“Promoting Community Development and Job Creation through Micro-Enterprise”; presented at the Association for Humanist Sociology, October, 1992.

Book Review: Looking Forward: Participatory Economics for the Twenty First Century (by Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel), In Social Anarchism #19 (1994) retrieved from

“Why Do Some Worker Co-ops Succeed, While Others Fail? The Role of Internal and External Social Factors”; co-authored by Pamela Wynn of Bloomsburg University, and presented at the September, 1995 International Institute for Self-Management Conference in Hondarribia, Spain.

“The Cooperative Commonwealth: An Alternative to Corporate Capitalism and State Socialism.” Humanity and Society Vol. 21, No. 1 (February 1997): 3-16.

“Vision Statement”; in Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) Newsletter, Issue #34, Nov. Dec. 1998. [His “personal vision of economic and workplace democracy”, and the role of GEO in “encouraging and furthering” grassroots movements which share that vision.

“Local Challenges to Globalization: The Case for Building and Maintaining Sustainable Local Economies”; unpublished and undated, but probably written in at the of 2000.

“Worker Cooperatives: A Democratic Alternative to Capitalist Corporations.” In Applying Sociology: Making a Better World by William Du Bois and R. Dean Wright, Allyn and Bacon, 2001.

Commentary on "The Organization of Work as a Factor in Social Well-Being," Contemporary Justice Review, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2003), pp. 127-131.

Len Krimerman lives, works, dances, and dreams in rural eastern Connecticut, and has helped build bridges between the many varieties of grassroots democracy over the past five decades. In this, he has invariably been mentored by his amazing GEO colleagues, by the imagination and support of his lifelong partner, Marian Vitali, and by the courageous activism of so many of his students and community partners. Marian and Len are now engaged in helping develop the Windham Hour Exchange, a community barter initiative in and around Willimantic, CT.

Jessica Gordon Nembhard is a political economist and Associate Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development in the Africana Studies Department at John Jay College, City University of NY; and author of Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice. An affiliate scholar with the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, she is a member of the GEO Collective, as well as the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy, the Southern Grassroots Economies Project, and the US Solidarity Economy Network. Gordon Nembhard is also a member of the Shared Leadership Team of Organizing Neighborhood Equity (ONE) DC (a community organizing organization in Washington, DC). Jessica is the proud mother of Susan and Stephen, and the grandmother of Stephon Nembhard.

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