April 15, 2016
The commons is a newly rediscovered but ancient paradigm for managing shared wealth. With deep historical and legal roots, it is also a social and ethical discourse that critiques market capitalism while moving beyond it with creative, self-organized systems for meeting needs. With projects that range from online cooperatives to alternative currencies and relocalized food production to community-based fisheries and forests, a diversified global movement is building a parallel economy around all sorts of commons. With this section, GEO will showcase some of the more notable developments in the commons world on an ongoing basis.
Commons Basics
- Reclaiming the Commons: An Audiovisual Primer -Charlie Tims
- The Commons as an Approach to Governance, Sustainable Resource Management and Social Wellbeing -James Alexander Arnfinsen and David Bollier
- Building the Commons Beyond Markets and States: Celebrating the Work of Elinor Ostrom
- A Conservative Case for the Commons: Dusting Off Distributism -Jay Walljasper
- Community Development and the Commons: A Framework for Equitably Stewarding Resources -Chris Tittle
Ownership from the Commons Perspective
- Property as Fetish and Tool: Duncan Kennedy on Property, the Commons, and the Law
- From Homo Economicus to the Commoner: Beyond the Neoliberal Subject -David Bollier and Ezra Rosser
- Defining and Protecting the Commons -David Bollier and Ezra Rosser
- The Commons and the Legal Left at Harvard Law School -David Bollier
- Who Owns the Commons? -GRITtv
Commons, Cooperatives, and Collective Action
- How to Start a Seed Sharing Campaign in Your Town -Cat Johnson
- A Commons Cure for Emotional Distress -Cheyenna Weber
- Toward an Open Co-operativism -Pat Conaty and David Bollier
- Video: Open Co-ops and the Commons -Michel Bauwens
Financial Commons
- Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Executive Summary -David Bollier and Pat Conaty
- How a Complementary Currency is Improving Lives in Kenya -Will Ruddick
- Faircoin as the First Global Commons Currency? Spanish Co-op Creates Tools for a Decentralized Economic System -David Bollier
- Financial Hacking with Faircoin -Matthew Slater
Cooperatives and the Commonwealth
- The Commons is the Future: Rediscovering a Paradigm Beyond States and Markets -Yavor Tarinski
- Fairness and the Commons: An Interview with Eric Duran
- Commons-based Coalition Wins Big in Barcelona Election -Anna Bergren Miller
- Radical Democracy: Reclaiming the Commons -Carlos Delclós
Further Resouces
- Commons Strategies Group
- Commons Transition
- David Bollier | news and perspectives on the commons
- On the Commons
- OuiShare
- Shareable
- The Ostrom Workshop
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