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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Launching Planet Community

July 10, 2018

Okay y’all, we’ve got a problem. 

Let’s get real. We are facing multiple, interconnected global dangers, rooted in the exploitation of people and planet. These dangers include climate change, wealth disparity, and social injustice. These are co-created and mutually reinforcing problems. They are systemic, and systemic problems require holistic solutions.

What do some of these solutions look like?

Whether it’s a small group in a collective household or hundreds of people on a large piece of land, intentional communities are micro-societies that offer insight into what society would look like if it were based on a different set of values. They are place-based, people-based communities - living laboratories working to create and model whole systems, integrated locally to globally.

We’re creating a new web series documenting these explorations, called Planet Community.

We’ve got a team of film-makers ready to begin the first of what will become a series of tours. Click here to check out the pilot episode, featuring Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage:

Why do these communities form? What are the values they are organized around? How do they sustain themselves? How do they solve problems and make decisions together? Why do they matter to the world?

Planet Community will dive deep into these questions and more, but we need your help to move this important work forward.

Your contribution towards our $9,000 goal will allow us to launch Planet Community!

This crowdfunding goal will fund a Midwest tour, which will produce 4 new episodes featuring different Intentional Communities. We will also build webpages for sharing expanded content on each featured community, and produce an in depth article series in Communities magazine.

As a bonus, we will also produce a series of short question and answer videos exploring the basic ideas of what Intentional Community is all about.

What's Coming Next?

Once we finish production following the Midwest tour we’ll start working on the next tour. Next we’ll cover the West Coast, then the East Coast. As the tours progress we’ll develop additional content to share. So your contribution not only allows us to start the Planet Community series, it also helps to collect footage that will lead towards our ultimate goal: to create a feature-length documentary!

We believe that human society has the capacity to support the health and wellbeing of all life.

Recognizing that the health and wellbeing of one depends on the health and wellbeing of all, we can’t wait to shine a spotlight on some of the empowering, inspiring examples of communities working towards this.

Help us to Spotlight Cooperative Solutions

Please make a contribution to this campaign to complete the Midwest tour of communities. We believe that this project exemplifies our values of cooperation, sustainability and social justice. Season 1 of Planet Community, and future seasons planned for the Western and Eastern U.S., will explore and explain cooperative culture, and will aim to grow the communities movement.


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