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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


House of the Mondragon

Half Past Capitalism

A Roadmap For High-Trust Communities

Richard D. Bartlett

CoopCycle in Argentina

Denise Kasparian

The Power of Worker Co-ops on Workers' Lives

WORT 89.9 FM Madison

A Cooperative Ecosystem and How Unions Build Power

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Labor Law, Co-ops, and Innovation

JJ Noire

A Union Tookit for Cooperative Solutions

Rebecca Lurie
Bernadette King Fitzsimons

How White Electric Coffee Became a Worker Co-op

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Mapping the US Solidarity City

Community Economies Institute

How to Strengthen the Cooperative Community

GEO Collective

Artists as Workers - A New Model for Organizing

Talking Radical Radio

How the Home School Co-op Took Off

GEO Collective

Shared Capital and Solidarity

GEO Collective

The Up & Go Story

Check-in with Lauren Karaffa

GEO Collective

7 Lessons on the “Sovereignty of Labor”

Rebecca Fisher-McGinty

MadWorC's Regional Rendezvous is Coming Up!

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Jamila Medley

Malikia Johnson

Developing Cooperatives with Devco

Each for All